Ep. 53 - How I Recently Found Peace In My Failed Friendships

This one was a tough one to talk about but there was a lesson I recently learned that I felt was too important to NOT talk about, especially given the time of year. This has been an incredibly heartbreaking part of my life for the past six years, that is until I had an a-ha after a conversation with an estranged friend that allowed me to look at things differently.

I’ve found peace within myself again and while I still don’t love this part of my life or even talking about it, I had such a revelation about what I was still feeling that I knew it may be helpful for you, too.

Truly, I share all of this, not to bring up old hurts or to make myself look like the only wounded person in this, but to highlight the lesson and give you a new way to look at your own breakups, whether they are relationships, family members, or friendships. It’s given me so much peace and I no longer continually grieve over it.

Just listen and you’ll understand.


Book mentioned, The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

Great podcast about friendships: Dear Nina

And thank you to BrittanyC53 for your recent 5-star review! So appreciate you for listening and for letting us know what you are loving right now. High five, my friend!


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